Monday, March 06, 2006

Get Your Science Right

While driving to work this morning, I saw a bumper sticker that said "Darwin was wrong because; fish don't walk & Jesus is still alive."

Aside from the questionable punctuation & the fact that I don't remember Darwin saying ANYTHING about Jesus, this is right up there with the "If we evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys?" folks*.

So, for the "fish don't walk" people, I dug up some pictures:

If "fish can't walk," & these little guys aren't swimming -- what are they doing? Hmm....

Besides, if an octopus can do it, why not a fish?

*For the record if you haven't already heard, we didn't evolve FROM monkeys, we have a common ancestor that we share WITH the other primates. You have three types of teeth, opposable thumbs, short snout, comparably large brain, no tail -- you are an ape, accept it. Per the Saint Louis Zoo, "Chimps are our closest living relatives. In fact, we share 98.4% of our DNA with chimps." Say hello to your very distant cousin:


Jess said...

Hello, cousin.

Trust me, Tiff, as someone who has an anthropology degree, my skin crawls when I hear people say "evolution means humans were monkeys." ARGH!

Tiffany said...

I know, Jess, & that's why I love ya!