Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Week 4 Update!

Okay, after four weeks on the Jenny Craig program, I'm down 9 lbs. (last week I was off work & didn't stick with my plan, so no loss -- but no gain either!) I've also lost a little over 6 inches -- 2 from my chest (YAY!), 2 from my waist, and another 2-ish from my hips & abdomen. My clothes fit better and/or are starting to get loose -- my JC consultant said pretty soon, I'd be brainstorming ways to shrink all my clothes! This week, I'm refocusing on sticking to my planned menu & hitting the gym at least 3 times, plus I have a zoo overnight -- which means an evening of hiking around the park! More updates to come.....

1 comment:

Jess said...

I love the zoo.