Friday, June 30, 2006

News Review

Well, I'm off to IL this weekend -- Sunday officially makes 2 months since my first date with Speed, & we're going to do lots of playing outside (hopefully with minimal heat exhaustion, since it's supposed to be in the UPPER 90'S!!!). Not to leave you poor readers (all five of you) alone, however, I'm linking you to some news articles I've seen recently that made me either cheer or shake my head:

I think this vaccine is an awesome breakthrough; in cancer research in general and in women's reproductive health specifically; and I think that the age recommendation handed down by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices is perfectly reasonable.

I think that anytime someone is going to give large amounts of money (and I mean REALLY LARGE) to groups that do good work, some groups just need to shut up. I mean, how does a group that "devotes the vast majority of its funding to combating disease and poverty in developing countries" "'spell doom for the families of the developing world'"????? Oh no! They want to give people money to improve quality of life! The horror!

I'm so glad that someone finally slapped GWB's hand & said "too far!!!"

I think the protection of Alaska's coral gardens is a great step for marine conservation.

This editorial by Sylvester Brown of the St. Louis Post Dispatch brought back great memories, because I'm a Missouri Scholars Academy alum.

Those are just some of the major things that have caught my eye this week -- happy 4th of July weekend, everyone, celebrate safely!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun out there!