Monday, September 12, 2005

GRE News

First, let me apologize for being incommunicado, I've been fighting a nasty stomach virus for the past month, but it's almost gone.

I took my GRE (Graduate Record Exam) Saturday -- three little letters that will impact the next 5-7 years of my life, as I attempt to get into a PhD program in Biology.

Since the test was computer-based, I got my verbal & quantitative scores right there. Keeping in mind that (1) the minimum requirements for admission to, say, Washington U here in STL are 400 on each section (scale of 200-800) and (2) the average scores for folks intending to do graduate work in Life Sciences are 464 verbal & 568 quantitative, I got....

drumroll please...

610 verbal, 710 quantitative.

1320 total -- I'm not unhappy about this.

In addition, the first section of the Analytical Writing part required me to choose one of two topics to write an intelligent mini-essay about. I signed a form saying that I wouldn't tell you what the topic was, but I can tell you that it was directly related to my undergraduate degree. Major ego boost! I'm pretty sure that I rocked on both parts of that section (Thank you, Mehlville HS English Department!)

That's all -- just wanted to share.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Hooray for you!

I'm debating the GRE right now. Perhaps next summertime when I'm not so swamped with work. I have given myself until I'm 28 to start my PhD. At that point, it's make it or break it.

I hope I do as well as you did! Congrats!