Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Week 15 -- Halfway There!

Well, I had my Jenny Craig meeting yesterday, & I've passed another milestone -- I have officially crossed my halfway point. No, scratch that -- I didn't just cross it, I broke through like a Mack truck going through a picket fence. Another 3lbs gone puts me JUST under 156 -- officially where I was when I went into college. It occurred to me that, in 6 more pounds, my driver's license will be telling the truth for the first time in . . . well . . . ever!

I literally had to pin the waist of my skirt today, to keep it from falling off my hips. None of my dress pants fit -- even the new ones I bought just a few weeks ago are kind of loose.

I have to buy new shoes for winter -- I put on my trusty black pumps this morning and promptly stepped right out of them.

My checking account is going to be screaming by the time this is over, but that's okay.

I'm more than halfway back to being ME!

1 comment:

Robert said...

Congratulations! That's awesome. I finally started hitting the gym again. I don't want to be a weakling forever... :)