Sunday, February 12, 2006

Two Million for $2 Million

Visit the website for the Saint Louis Zoo's Two Million for $2 Million Campaign.

From the website:
"The Saint Louis Zoo, along with 209 accredited zoos and aquariums across the nation, is seeking two million signatures to ask Congress to increase their wildlife conservation support to $2 million in 2006.

This petition asks Congress for $2 million to annually fund conservation and research programs for the Multinational Species Conservation Fund, a highly successful wildlife conservation program run by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with a proven record of success over the past 14 years. The programs have succeeded in maintaining or increasing key populations of some wild animals facing enormous survival challenges: elephants in Asia and Africa; rhinos in southern Africa, Indonesia and India; tigers in Russia; marine turtles in the Caribbean and southeast Asia; and great apes in east and central Africa.

Each of these species faces grave threats to their survival in the wild, and they need our help to protect them. Our goal is to increase the funding from Congress to $2 million annually for each of these species.

Help us send a message to Congress that you care about these imperiled species and want to help protect them in the wild. Please take a moment to “sign” this petition asking for at least $2 million for each of the wildlife species covered under the Multinational Species Conservation Funds. AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums intend to deliver two million signatures to Congress on March 7, 2006"

Make a difference!


Robert said...

I signed it! I signed it!

Hey, I'm eagerly awaiting this zoo movie you're putting together...don't keep me in suspense too much longer!

Tiffany said...

I'm working on that, never got my confirmation email back from the site, guess I'll have to re-submit my info to the site, hang tight!

Tiffany said...

I'm not sure why they wouldn't -- heck, there was a big ruckus about a handwritten petition somewhere around STL (to recall an elected official, I think) that was thrown out because of forged or unreadable signatures -- electronic petition signatures aren't any harder to fake, but at least they're legible!