Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Don't Bury Me Yet!

Okay, okay, I suck. It's been . . . lemme count here .. January 10th . . . 30 days hath September . . . carry the one . . . 22 days since my last real post. Good grief! Here's an update:

*Back to school! I started my first MBA class on the 12th -- 8 weeks of Managerial Accounting, whoo hoo! It's not bad, keeps me busy and out of trouble with stuff that only care about because the professor tells me to care about it. Midterm is next week, joy!

*After a few weeks of worrying, it's been established that I am NOT dying. I had to have an extremely UN-FUN test done to see if I had cervical cancer or some such thing, but I do not. As of last week, I was PROBABLY not dying; as of yesterday I am DEFINITELY not dying. Yay!

*The Jenny Craig quest continues -- after 2-3 weeks of not-much-progress, my meeting yesterday showed a 2.2lb drop from the previous week, for a total of 34.4 lbs!

*The winter overnights at the Zoo are kicking back into gear, I've had two so far. This past Saturday, I got called in to work an overnight, I was there from 5pm Saturday to 10:30am Sunday -- I had just enough time to drive home, shower, change, & head back to the zoo because I'd already made plans to spend the day at the zoo with a friend. For those of you wondering, that means that between 5pm Sat & 5pm Sun, I spent 22 hours at the zoo -- for at least 17 of those, I was on my feet. Sunday, I was asleep by 6pm.

Gotta run, homework calls, love ya bunches!

1 comment:

Robert said...

A new nerd assignment has been posted, and you are invited to participate! Please see my blog for all the details!