Monday, May 02, 2005

Why Blog?

Welcome to my world -- at least, my 6am - 2:30 pm world. The maintenance department call center at a gigantic hospital (6.5 million square feet, thank you very much) or, to be more PC, the "Support Service Center for Facilities Engineering." I'm on my first (and hopefully only) bottle of Mountain Dew, because it's a slow morning. I guess you could say I'm a stress junkie -- I like having a lot of things that require my attention at once. . . is it so bad to ask for a minor emergency now and then? But NOOOOOO, not this morning, just your everyday "I need a lightbulb, that toilet's clogged, I'm stuck in the elevator" calls. Okay, no one's been stuck in an elevator yet today. But there's nothing to do -- the team in the call center, or "SSC" is wonderfully efficient: paperwork gets done, work orders get closed out, go team, go! It's a great system; however, it occasionally leaves me with nothing to do but the daily crossword. I have other friends with their own blogs, including my good buddy Robert (, and his long-time girlfriend Jess (, so I figured what the heck, I'd exercise my brain a bit, get a few of the random thoughts out of my head, and maybe entertain a few people with my sometimes sitcom-esque life. Enjoy!


Jess said...

She's so secretive. I can tell you who she is, too. Yeah, that's right, I've got the info. :o)

Robert said...

Middleschoolteacher(MST) definitely graduated from Northwest High School. She was in the class of '98 and good friends with J. In fact, J and MST share the same first name. There's a few hints for ya...

Tiffany said...

Tell me, please, I must know -- WHO IS SHE????? It will tear at my brain! I won't be able to sleep, I won't be able to eat . . . but that might help my weight-loss campaign . . . hmmm . . . let me get back to you on that one . . .

Robert said...

It is none other than Jessica Hylton. (Or Hytler as we called her in marching band...)