Monday, May 02, 2005

Monday, oh Monday

I am not a big fan of Mondays. I wouldn't say that I hate them -- hate is a very strong word that should be reserved for bad movies and certain members of the GOP. I simply dislike Mondays.

One of the main reasons for this is the structure of my job. Monday is the day when folks return to work to find that things do not stop breaking simply because they are off enjoying a weekend. It's a game of "catch-up" for the maintenance department, and is something I've gotten used to in the past six months since I started . . . but that doesn't mean I like it.

Another issue with Mondays is the obvious shock back to the real world. It's like the cartoon law that allows you to walk off a cliff and remain suspended in midair as long as you don't look down -- when my alarm clock goes off at 4am, I always look down, and quickly find myself plummeting back to earth.


Princess Buttercup said...

Excellent post. I feel exactly the same way.

Robert said...

Monday's haven't been bad for me this semester. I don't have classes on that day. I just lounge around and do homework in my pajamas. Then take a shower around 1:00pm...

Tiffany said...

Just wait, Bert -- wait until your "grown-up" job starts, and then you will join me in my anti-Monday campaign -- mwahahahaha!

Jess said...

He'll learn....