Saturday, July 15, 2006

Updates On All Fronts

I know, I know, it's been awhile since my last post (but not nearly as long as we've been waiting to hear from Bert), you have my apologies, but you know how it goes -- work, school, work, school, try to sleep, attempt to have a social life, rinse & repeat. I present to you, then, a summary of what's been going on.

The new definition of a romantic gift is . . . are you ready for this . . . a programmable thermostat! Don't laugh, I'm actually serious. After weeks of noticing me manually adjusting the t-stat before I leave the house (love the feathered kids, but they don't need it to be 70* while I'm gone, their species is from freakin' Australia!); Speed not only bought, but installed a programmable t-stat for me. Added note of cuteness -- he got one with a nice, big display, because he knows I can't see when I have my contacts out. Awww.

In return, I got him this, which I find to be equally romantic. Trust me -- I volunteered to scrub the shower when he moved into the new place, while he & "the guys" were doing the heavy lifting -- ohmygoodness, it was almost as bad as the fridge (did I tell you about the fridge? the one that the owner said, "I got divorced in 1998 & that fridge hasn't been cleaned since"?). So, the mega-romantic shower cleaner was presented to him last night with the following statement: "this is for you, because I love you & I never want to scrub that shower ever again."

Other notes: it's recently come to my attention that my favorite Lab Boy says I'm "Extreme Left Wing" -- am I that bad? I haven't even tossed in a political post recently (okay, I haven't tossed in any posts recently, but still) -- that's okay, Labbie, you still rock!

Thursday afternoon, I took Speed to the Zoo after work so that he could witness the chaos & cacophony that is "song time" at Camp Kangazoo. If you've never seen it, you can't understand -- but if you have, you know what I'm talking about. He observed. He chuckled at me being goofy beyond belief. He didn't run away. Score!

Enough of that. Work is there -- not too busy, but I managed to tick off a few folks by suggesting that their customer service & teamwork skills could use some polishing, to say the least.

School -- I have my Marketing Midterm on Monday - cross your fingers. For a group project, I'm working with another bio-type-girl & some guy who's been in a few of my classes. Project: pick a real or pretend product & develop a marketing plan. Original idea was something like this which, Big Brother aside, could be very handy, especially in preventing/solving Missing Children cases. We LEFT CLASS Monday with the plan to brainstorm & come back to pool ideas after the midterm. Then I get a voicemail from the guy that says we have to change our plan (no details why), maybe "a store in the mall" or something.


Talked to other partner last night, apparently the guy has issues with the "implantable chip is the mark of the beast" suggestion (which I hadn't even thought of, nor do I really get; I mean, we implant pacemakers that have serial numbers, what's the diff?); & is suggesting that the "Christian School" we go to (which I picked because it's the cheapest accredited MBA program in St. Louis) might take issue with it.


However, understanding that all are entitled to their own opinions, and not wanting to step on anyone's bible-thumpin' toes; I suggested we rework it to be a pet chip, rather than a human chip. My frustration in this comes because the other partner & I had already invested a few days of brainstorming into this; and just scrapping the whole thing would be a waste of time that I don't have to waste. So -- pet chip. Much like the current AVID chip, crossed with a GPS transmitter & able to reference (or carry) the animal's vet & vaccination records -- anyone interested?

Since I haven't mentioned my quest with Jenny recently, you'll be glad to know I've been holding between 135-140lbs for about two months now (starting weight 179.2)-- my original goal was 135, and if I hit that, whoo hoo; however, I'm quite comfortable where I am & have noticed all that good stuff that comes with a 23% drop in body weight -- more energy, better blood pressure & cholesterol numbers, etc.

Okay, guess I'd better get back to work -- yay for Saturday Shifts with nothing but paperwork to do!

Cheers, y'all!


Robert said...

Wow! So many cool things to comment on. Yeah I appologize about not writing a post of my own. Jess is out of town for 10 days to Florida and baby-sitting the puppy takes every waking hour. In fact, I should probably take him out soon so I'll try to make this brief...

Romantic Presents: I'm friggin jealous of the shower cleaner. That thing is so friggin' cool. I want one so bad.

Left wing: You? Never. And I know that Bush's idiotic veto didn't piss you off either. I mean come on, we can't use the left over fetuses for something USEFUL like research. Right? Hell no. We can't murder babies in the guise of reseach with federal money. Those fetuses are only fit to be flushed down a toilet -- dang it.

AVID chip: I could say lots about that thing (RFID chips was my senior project). I'll keep it brief though. The AVID chip is a passive RFID tag -- meaning it doesn't function without a scanner providing it power. It's the scanner that powers up the chip just enough to spit out some numbers using a radio frequency. If you wanted GPS applications and such, you would have to also embed a power source (and it would have to be replaced every so often). Of course, that can just be between us. Nobody in your class has to know that. ;-)

Good to hear from you! I promise to update the blog soon! :-)

Ren said...

Cool. Now, I'm all up to date.

Tiffany said...

eh, I take it as a compliment, Lopes -- I'd rather be X-L-W than chillin' on the right!