Monday, July 25, 2005

Curse You J. K. Rowling!!! (okay, not really)

I got my copy of HP And The Half-Blood Prince last Sunday (7/17) and because I knew that once I started I'd be unable to turn back, used every last ounce of willpower to leave it closed until this Saturday. Good thing, too, because I read the whole darn thing, cover to cover.

Oh the betrayal! The anguish! How could [that one character] kill [that other character]? Or, was it just a cleverly planned & unavoidable-albeit-tragic-self-sacrifice?

Please, PLEASE JK Rowling, (and here I'm going to share what an utter HP fanatic I am), "accio laptop" and get typing! I need that last book!

On that note, check out this awesome website,, created & maintained by one of the few lucky enough to actually get an INTERVIEW with JK.

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